This form is used to submit a complaint of unethical behavior or improper conduct to the International Taekwondo's-Do Federation of America Foundation (ITFAF) against a member of affiliated school of the Foundation.

If not, you can contact the ITFAF Secretary General to make sure that the school or the individual is a member of ITFAF. Contact information is also available on the ITFAF webpage.

NOTE: ITFAF cannot process complaints against non-members

Identification of the person filing the complaint (the "Complainant").

Identification of the member against whom the complaint is filed:


Please answer the following questions to help us to understand your complaint.

If you are a member of ITF and the ITFAF, refer to the Encyclopedia of Taekwon-Do (15 volumes) by General Choi Hong Hi (1985; 1987) or the condensed version of the Encyclopedia – Taekwon-Do by General Choi Hong Hi (5th ed., 1999) and identify the rule(s) of conduct, the moral principle(s) or the Tenet(s) of Taekwon-Do you believe have been violated:


Additional Information:

Please send us photocopies/electronic files (not originals) of any evidence you have related to your allegations to the Secretary General of the ITFAF at Also, send only documents directly relevant to your complaint. A large volume of unnecessary documentation may delay the completion of review of your complaint.


I, hereby, authorize the ITFAF to: • Investigate the issues described in this complaint form. • Access information related to this complaint. • Send to the member against whom I am making this complaint, copies of any materials submitted by me or on my behalf concerning this complaint. • Provide relevant information to any necessary experts in order to obtain independent opinions in relation to the compliant and associated issues. • I, hereby, declare that all the information provided in this complaint form, and the information provided in support of this complaint, are true and correct. I understand that the ITFAF may be unable to process my complaint if I do not agree with the above and decline to sign this authorization.

Important: Make sure that you have answered all of the relevant questions correctly and that you have signed and dated your signature as requested in this form. An incomplete form will delay the processing of your complaint while it is returned to you to be completed.